5 Tips For Selling Private Label Weight Loss Supplements

Americans spend $2.1 billion dollars a year on weight loss supplements and that figure is only expected to grow. As an extremely profitable market, it’s a great idea to choose a weight loss line for your private label supplements. However, if you’ve never sold or marketed weight loss products before, you may not know how to start. Here are five tips to help you sell weight loss supplements:

1.Defining Your Audience

Defining your audience is really important. Start by creating a profile of your ideal customer. Do they want to lose weight to be healthier? Are they looking at burning fat to increase their muscles? Whatever their motivation you determine will help you design your weight loss line and how you will promote your products.

2. Choose Your Product Line Wisely

When you begin researching weight loss supplements, you will find there are a lot of options for your private label supplements. You may be overwhelmed on how to choose which supplements to offer. There’s a couple of places you can start. First, determine if you want to offer herbal weight loss like garcinia cambogia or green coffee bean or if you’d rather offer thermogenics. This choice depends entirely on your audience. Next, you can investigate the biggest trends in weight loss supplements.

3. Choose Your Marketing Channels

There are several avenues for marketing. You can market online through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can market in person at gyms, fitness events, and health summits. You can even market just within your personal network. Which channel you choose depends on who you are trying to reach. Typically social media is a great way to reach a large audience, but in person is a way to build repeat customers.

4. Highlight Your Uniqueness

The weight loss supplement market is very large. There is a lot of competition. In order to stand out, you need to really define what is unique about your private label supplements. Do you have products no one else offers like bedtime weight loss? Do your products also help increase energy during workouts? Think about what makes you different from your competition and highlight those features in your marketing.

5. Invest In Visuals

Visuals are key in weight loss supplements. Before and after pictures are great for selling. Visuals that inspire people to stick to their diet can also be really effective. High quality visuals speak to the quality of your brand, so they are a good investment.

At Vitakem, we offer a full range of weight loss supplements to get you started. Check out our inventory and give us a call for a quick quote!

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