Health Supplements That Are Trending For 2018

When it comes to trendy supplements manufactured in the past, some have had their 15 minutes of fame—until it was found that they could cause irreversible damage to the body (i.e.: Fen-Phen). Many of the supplements manufactured today have been found not only to do what they claim to do, but are better for your overall health that those from the past.

The 2018 hot list has oldies-but-goodies mixed with newcomers to provide a well-rounded sample of the common supplements manufactured that people can’t wait to get their hands on.

  • Turmeric. This is definitely one of the hottest supplements manufactured today, and with good reason.  It is a natural anti-inflammatory, which makes it great for those who suffer from joint pain or arthritis. Turmeric is also a powerful antioxidant that works to stop damage on the cellular level. And it not only boosts levels of brain hormone BDNF, it can reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Women’s Health Support. As more women continue their roles as real-life super-heroes, they need good health support to stay strong and healthy. This is the year when they’ll really explore those supportive options. Whether it’s an all-inclusive multivitamin like Women’s Daily Pack, or a supplement that provides protein and builds muscle, there’s no stopping these wonder women.
  • Spirulina. A super-hot supplement for 2018, Spirulina is a blue-green organism that is packed-full of amazing nutrients like iron, copper, B vitamins, and protein. The most nutrient-dense food on the planet, it fights free radicals, lowers “bad” cholesterol, raises “good” cholesterol, fights cancer, and promotes weight loss.
  • B12. Everyone wants to have more energy, and they want it as naturally as they can get it. B12 is the way to increase energy levels without the “crash” that comes after sugar-laden and caffeine-filled drinks and bars have done their work. Plus, B12 supports healthy cellular activity.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids. The benefits of essential fatty acids on skin, eyes, and hair have been known for many years, which is what keeps it on the hot list year after year. Found in fatty fish like tuna and salmon, as well as walnuts and flaxseeds, many people find that taking a supplement is much easier. From krill oil to fish oil fortified with EPA/DHA, it’s a beneficial brain-and-body-booster.

Stay one step ahead of the game by keeping these on hand for good health. Stay two steps ahead by offering them in your private label nutraceuticals company for good business.

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